Saturday, February 7, 2009

After the Coronation

In the first ever episode of The Secret Life of Hamlet, we find out the background of the whole show. The ghost of Hamlet's father appears to Horatio, Hamlet's best friend, and two sentinels. They dont know what it's appearance means and they decide that Hamlet should be told about it.

The marriage of Queen Gertrude to Hamlet's uncle Claudius takes place, as well as Claudius' coronation as the new King of Denmark. Hamlet is still deep in the grieving process and does not know why others are not. His feelings bring about a soliloquy in which he tells how he really feels.
Towards the end of this part, Horatio tells Hamlet that he saw his father's ghost. and Hamlet asks some questions about him.

This episode is also where Polonius and Laertes have a talk with Ophelia, who is Hamlet's girl friend, about Hamlet. Laertes tells his little sister all about boys and what they really want from girls which is anything but good. He sort of scares her into a state of disbelief. Her father Polonius thinks that Hamlet is crazy and warns her that she better not see him anymore. She listens to his whole speech and agrees not to see him. Lets see how long this lasts, seeing as Ophelia is head-over-heels in love with Hamlet.

Why do you think his father's ghost has returned? What is your reaction to his soliloquy and what do you think will come of this? How well do you think Ophelia will follow her fathers new rule about not seeing Hamlet?


  1. I think that his father's ghost returned to check on Hamlet to see if everything is okay and to tell him stuff. I still cant figure out what that stuff might be though.

    As for what will come of his soliloquy, I think that he will rebel against King Claudius and his mother.

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  3. I think that Hamlet's father's ghost returned to see how Hamlet was doing. And i think Hamlet will soon share his feeling about the new King with his mother.

    I don't think Ophelia will be able to move on. She is in love with Hamlet and i don't think other opinions will change how she feels about him.
